How to Change Your Life in 3 Steps: Believe, Become, Live - The Framework

Explore how to break free from societal conditioning and achieve your dreams using the 'Believe, Become, and Live' framework, simple framework designed to help you achieve your dreams and become the person worthy of living your dreams.
This post is inspired by insights from my recent contributions to the Modern Stoic Community. They believe that true transformation begins with questioning our conditioning and intentionally shaping our lives according to our own terms.

What is Societal Conditioning, and Why Break Free?

Societal conditioning refers to the ways in which our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors are shaped by the dominant narratives and expectations of the society we live in. While some conditioning can be helpful, much of it can limit our personal growth and prevent us from living an authentic life aligned with our deepest values and aspirations.

In modern stoic blog post they suggested to ask a question to ourselves 'What kind of life do I really want to for myself?'

Believe, Become, and Live (Framework)

Believe Become and Live: 3 Steps Framework

The 'Believe, Become, and Live' framework offers a roadmap for personal growth and fulfillment.
  1. Believe: Start by believing in yourself and your ability to change. Cultivate self-confidence and a growth mindset.
  2. Become: Through consistent effort and self-reflection, work towards becoming the best version of yourself. Embrace personal growth and continuous learning.
  3. Live: Finally, live life on your own terms, embracing authenticity, purpose, and the life you truly want to manifest.

Taking the Red Pill:

“Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.”

Breaking free from conditioning requires courage and commitment. It's about:
  • Challenging outdated beliefs that no longer serve you
  • Forging your own path, even when it's unconventional
  • Manifesting your dreams into reality through consistent action
As the main character of your own story, you have the power to rewrite the script and design the life you truly want.

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